Just before I present my first pair of yoga pants for women to you I have something else I want to share.

The topic is Yoga.

While I have been running my yogaschool in Malmö I have made some interesting observations when it comes to practising and teaching yoga. Most of the things come to me while I am guiding my yogaclass and there is many things I want to share and express.

So the moment has come and I am about to unfold bit by bit my very personal insights about teaching, practising yoga and my interpretation of yoga what is out there. I don`t do it just to air my thoughts but I actually belive that I have an important message with it!

First of all when I say yoga I never mean just physical poses. Since I stick to the very old yoga tradition my yogaclasses contains much more then just yoga asanas. We are even practising breating exrecises to cleanse the energyfield, we go into deep relaxation with Yoga Nidra and clearing and calming the mind with the meditation. All that belongs together and fits into one single yogaclass which in my yogaschool can be up to 2-3h!

The effect of this kind of the yogaclass is truely amazing. As a teacher I literally see dark clouds of tensions evaporating from the bodys of my students. When I see one group leaving the yogaroom after the yogaclass they are nearly floating out of the room.. Rested faces, clear eyes, slightly red cheeks.. OMG it is then I feel I have succeeded as a yogateacher.

To be continued…

By the way, the Christmas is coming and the most deep and powerful and intensiv classes I have just at that time!

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